
Hello there guys, hope you're having a jamtastic day! If you're not then.. Well, I'm sure things will get better soon. Probably tomorrow. Anyways, I'm here to present to you.. Admin information!

-Jammer Anonymous
This is me! The person currently writing this. I created the blog but I wouldn't have done it without my friends. They came up with the idea and together, we'll make this blog amazin'! My friends describe me as a rather.. Bubbly person but not the best optimist out there. I'm also known as Jammer A. or JA.
(im also the rlly weird one in the group who likes foxes and bunnies more than arctic wolves)

The following people are in no specific order, and the descriptions are from the people themselves. They have chosen their signatures and given me what to write as their admin information because we go to the same school.

I'm pillow, the person who does the pictures for Animal Jam in a Nutshell (exclusive topic on our blog, though not released as of 16/05/15 and will not be released for a couple of weeks). I also added the text for the blog's header, and here's something - if you look really closely, it's sort of transparent (not that it's really cool or anything, just trivia). I won't be active, as in posting about the news, much. I advise you to wear goggles while viewing AJ in a Nutshell - the art is horrible.

Howdy, I play Animal Jam - which is pretty obvious (I also play loads of other games; COD, Halo, FNAF, you name it). It's a pretty radical game if you ask me, except for the fact that AJ makes almost everything available for members. Anyhow, I really like puns and Homestuck. Sometimes I even make Homestuck puns like gamazeeing (ily gamzee) and share them with JA. You'll find me posting from time to time to fill in for Jammer A!

Hey, I'm elli (not my real name, please don't think I'm a girl) and I have an unhealthy obsession with alphabetical order and cleanliness. My friends like to say how my future girlfriend would be Windex, or some other cleaning spray. I'll be posting from time to time, but I'll be mainly checking in on the comments (not a hard job right now, considering there's no comments) and some other useless things.

-pilly / milly / quilly / zilly / xilly 
I have a multitude of names, but I'll be using pilly or zilly a majority of the time. I don't have a SPECIAL role like elli (comments'n'stuff) or pillow (AJ in a Nutshell), but I just give you the trivia such as Animal Jam legends and riddles each week or so. As weird as it sounds, I manage the layout of the blog and the customization - it's weird because pillow is the one who's really good at designing but instead, I'm assigned to do it.

That's all the admins for the Animal Jam Hop blog, and I really hope you have a great time talking to them as they do reply to comments!
-Jammer A.

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